Monday, December 19, 2005

weezer, hahahaha

for those who are keeping track, weezer frontguy rivers cuomo is officially the shittiest rockstar of all time.


Blogger stashdauber said...

reminds me of the frontguy from a now-defunct fw band who was feeding quarters into the jukebox of a local watering hole once when up comes a cute girl who asks him, "hey, aren't you in a band or something?"

my boy finishes picking out his songs, says "yes," and walks away.


3:53 PM  
Blogger stashdauber said...

and that guy wasn't even a lit major from haaah-vid.

with credentials like that, rivers "no relation to mario" prolly wasn't gonna get laid anyhoo.

4:03 PM  
Blogger andrew m. said...

what a douche!

this "self-imposed celibacy" is a slap in the face to anyone ever forced by their parents to attend a 4 year, all boys catholic high school (with NO choice but remain unlaid due to lack of available opposite gender partners.) david lee roth must be spinning in his grave...

11:43 AM  

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