Sunday, December 18, 2005

it can't happen here (or can it?)

was semi-flabbergasted to read the story of a college student who got a visit from the smiling folks at homeland security when he requested a copy of mao tse-tung's "little red book" from his university library for a research paper he was writing on communism. with that in mind, you might wanna reconsider if you've been wanting to download the burt bacharach '60s hit by manfred mann and / or love.


Blogger stashdauber said...

i woke up pissed off today, and it didn't help any seeing the headline from yesterday's paper: "bush defends right to spy on americans."


4:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow just it is folks what has brewing for quite some time is about to boil over. Things have gone too far... *%$%#$!! !bU%*%$#! F*$##@*ng $#@OD D&^%!!! There I said it. Let's hope I don't get arrested

keep your heads up man

2:41 PM  

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