Sunday, December 31, 2006

new year's eve

another yr bites the dust. i asked, "where'd thisun go?" and my sweetie said, "this one sure took its time." things i'll remember from 2006:

1) grief and loss, and awareness of mortality (my own and others'). when you reach a certain age, this becomes the price of the ticket to see the show. gotta get used to it.

2) new grandkids. two of 'em!

3) watching my kids becoming the ppl they'll be, with some trepidation, some satisfaction, and always, lotsa hope.

4) sticking my feet in the gnarly old atlantic with my sweetie, and seeing some places from her growing up.

5) leaving a job that was making me ill, and starting a new phase that i'm really hoping i can make work financially, doing work i like, that i think i'm good at, that's meaningful to me.

6) having the band i've always dreamed about having.

7) reconnecting with ppl from several previous lives (one of the rewards of sticking around to a certain age).

8) getting to be a full-fledged member of the asian media crew.

tonight we're going to fred's for a pricey dinner that we know will be worth it 'cos terry chandler's cooked more "best meals i've ever had" than anybody. then we're stopping by the wreck to wish lu a happy b-day, having one drink, and heading back to la casa before all the amateurs hit the road. after losing one of their own to a drunk driver a coupla wks ago, fort worth's finest are unlikely to be lenient with garrruuunnnk shitheads behind the wheel, and i gotta say (yeah, my own d.w.i.-having ass), i think that's fitting 'n' proper. prolly watch a movie or something. life's good. be happy and safe.


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