Tuesday, July 25, 2006

amp death

the phrase that pays this season seems to be "...cost more to fix than it's worth."

a few weeks ago, goodwin / ph7 / underground railroad / stoogeaphilia bassist matt hembree's rig went tango uniform. then last night at the wreck room (where i'd gone to see the performance art troupe mujeres sin miedo throw down), wednesday night jam-meister lee allen informed me that the normal channel on his varsity bass head had given up the ghost. then this morning, strange attractors gtrist jeremy diaz wrote from austin to inform me that my ex-twin reverb had gone to the widowmaker. like my dad always usedta say, "these things happen in threes, y'know."

meanwhile, my li'l roland amplet is doing fine at sessions music; owner-operator john zaskoda troubleshot it extensively (used a schematic, even) and said there was nothing wrong, which leads me to believe the brown in my sound of late has been a combo of single-coil pickups (i fried my ears in all those midrange freqs so i can't hear humbuckers so swift -- use earplugs, kids), weak 9Vs, and proximity of gtr to amp. feh. i've been using matt hembree's peavey classic 50 for stoogeaphilia gigs, and am getting to like the sound of tubes again. occasional jamcat brandon wallace has one on consignment at sessions that i think i'm gonna cop, once z-man has given it the once-over. now, if i could just find a big muff to replace the yellow dod piece of shit i've been using.

here's a joke:

q: how can you tell when a middle-aged muso has given up?

a: peavey and squier.

just kidding.


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