Tuesday, May 16, 2006

metrognome collective

inasmuch as i am basically a parochial westside mofo (i just happen to be partial to stuff that's within walking distance of mi casa), it seems like i've been remiss in not making it to the metrognome collective, an edgy 'n' eclectic eastside artspace located on 1518 east lancaster, near the union gospel mission.

that might be 'bout to change, tho, on saturday, may 27th, when metrognome plays host to the 6th annual thrift art gallery show and auction from 8-10pm, followed by the long-awaited vinyl release party for marcus lawyer's top secret...shhh project.

then on tuesday, june 6th...well, i'll let tammy gomez speak for herself:

I, Tammy Gomez, am interested in receiving such submissions of writing for

probable public display and performance presentation

on the 6th day of June, in the year a.d. 2006 - a rare day indeed,

(at the Metrognome Collective Warehouse on E. Lancaster St.)

Any and all should diligently and prodigiously send their literary productions, treating this theme--however humorous, serious, theatrical, or philosophical--in the quickest haste to:


Am hoping for the most intellectually-broad treatments of this theme.

Questions? Please ask them via the addresses provided above, or post comment below.

(signed) Tammy the literary-thing-make-happener


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