Friday, December 30, 2005

mo' jam pixxx

here's some snaps my sweetie took at the last coupla wks o' jams on the li'l stage at "wreck west." top to bottom, the folks in the pics be: 1) john stevens and lee. i've known john since he was 19 and he's always been a natch'l, soulful player. since he joined confusatron, he's really come into his own. 2) john shook and matt skates. shook's prolly the best point-to-point bassplayer in the fort. good gtrist, too. there doesn't seem to be anything skates can't play. on this night, he played gtr, bass, and drums. he also plays trombone. well-rounded muso, and sober now, too. right on, matt. 3) jon hill and carl. jon-boy's main thang is supposedly singer-songwriter spew, but he sure can light up them strings. 4) skates on drums (told ya) and mark mcpherson from the brokers, the fort's best new reggae outfit. mark also digs jazz 'n' the minutemen. that's his highly-coveted hollowbody vox. 5) ron geida taught two of my kids gtr. we had an instrumental band once that, over the course of 13 months, 7 gigs, 3 bassplayers, 2 drummers, and 1 nervous breakdown (mine), convinced me i should never try and be a bandleader. he's still one of my fave cats, tho. 6) wyatt's band "the burning hotels" is a contender for "next big thang" here in the fort, but he's a nice, level-headed young (21! jayzus!) cat who respects the old shit and has never turned down a challenge, musically-wise.


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