wow, has this been an exciting news day or what?
where to begin? a middle school band in michigan was first prohibited from, then allowed to play "louie, louie." incredibly, the old "unintelligible lyrics are obscene" argument remains alive almost 50 years after the song was written. luckily, somebody must have showed the responsible adults the relevant scene from mr. holland's opus. the ghost of richard berry smiles.
speaking of obscenity, coffee goliath starbucks has decided _not_ to sell the new broooce springsteen album because it contains a song about having anal sex with a hooker. is it just me, or does this have the smell of a desperate attempt at "edginess" by a past-his-sell-by-date-"future-of-rock'n'roll?" i'd like to meet the a&r genius who came up with this brainstorm.
finally, audioslave is gonna be the first american rockband to play in cuba. not long ago, i was wondering, "where the hell is rage against the machine now that we need 'em? oh, yeah -- dr. morello and co. are off _making money_ with the little guy from soundgarden." personally, i'm of the opinion that zack de la rocha was the real political thinker in that particular crew, harvard ph.d. or no.
speaking of obscenity, coffee goliath starbucks has decided _not_ to sell the new broooce springsteen album because it contains a song about having anal sex with a hooker. is it just me, or does this have the smell of a desperate attempt at "edginess" by a past-his-sell-by-date-"future-of-rock'n'roll?" i'd like to meet the a&r genius who came up with this brainstorm.
finally, audioslave is gonna be the first american rockband to play in cuba. not long ago, i was wondering, "where the hell is rage against the machine now that we need 'em? oh, yeah -- dr. morello and co. are off _making money_ with the little guy from soundgarden." personally, i'm of the opinion that zack de la rocha was the real political thinker in that particular crew, harvard ph.d. or no.
That's interesting about Audioslave and Cuba. I always wondered why Rage never just moved there, especially since their T-shirts used to have Che's iconic mug on them. As for Zack, Tom et al, I'd like to know if they ever have trouble paying rent or making their car note or if they have ever had to wait in line at a government-run grocery. I suspect not. At least Jimmy Buffet appreciated Cuba for its culture when he went there, rather than trumping up its politics.
Right On Robo Pirate -
Those who "rage" against the machine only end up creating a much worse machine.
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