Friday, May 20, 2005

the new star wars flick - WARNING! SPOILERS

so i took my dtr and nephew to see the new star wars flick (thanks google) and it was boss. in spite of the last two installments, i was kinda anxious to see it, in part because of the online review i read that called it "the most violent and disturbing" of the series. perhaps this was because of the high number of decapitations, or the dante's inferno-like planet where obi-wan and anakin/darth have their final showdown. or what happens to anakin/darth at the end of said showdown. or, in a different sense, perhaps it's all the _moral ambiguity_: darth vader as hamlet? _you_ decide!!!

equally horrifying was the fact that natalie portman actually looks like shit in her first few scenes, esp. the one in which anakin/darth tells her "you're beautiful." (is it just me, or is that actor growing up to be lorenzo lamas in falcon crest? personally, i think the point of the scene is to show how anakin's confusion is eroding his judgment.) she actually looks better when she's dead. sigh. could she be a victim of "baby alligator syndrome?" is she evolving into another faye dunaway or sally struthers? film, as they say, at 11.

scott from my work points out that the stuff in the "past" actually looks a lot cooler than the stuff in the "future" (episodes 1-3 versus 4-6). my dtr wisely observed that 1-3 take place after civilization-as-they-know-it has been destroyed, so it makes sense. unless he was just commmenting on the fact that it's possible to do _much_ cooler shit with cg animation today than it was back in the '70s.

i'm proud to say that i figured out that palpatine was the emperor two episodes ago. i'm usually the last to catch on to plot details like that. it was easy: the weak chin. some of his pronouncements made me think of our prez, which obviously picked up on. (i returned to my inbox to find an e-mail from them with a subject line in yoda-speak. jeez.)

perhaps as a result of having seen moulin rouge, i kept expecting ewan macgregor to break into song. thankfully, he didn't.

oh yeah, and luke and leia are brother and sister. that explains why she was never attracted to him (because she's not from arkansas). and she was raised by jimmy smits (which had me flashing on mi familia for a second; i'm gonna have to go back and look for indicators of chicana soul in carrie fisher).

happily, while jar-jar makes an appearance, he doesn't get to talk. or does he? (i missed the first 10 minutes or so.)

and that's all i have to say about that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Falcon Crest! I love that show.

10:29 AM  

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