Monday, August 02, 2010

8.2.2010, ftw

having the most slack-ass summer of my life since i was about 16. burning beaucoup vaca days at work, not going to many gigs, not writing, not playing (although i'm starting to try and book stoogedates for the fall, at the usual glacial pace). ray is dealing with some health issues and jon is recovering from a motorcycle accident, so it's a good thing the stoogeband didn't sked anything for the summer. miss seeing those guys and jamming, though. going to try and do lunch with jon and dinner with matt this week.

mainly this summer i've been enjoying spending time with my sweetie and the cats. when school's in, we sometimes see each other an hour a day, and it's just been real pleasant hanging out at home, eating good food (which she's been cooking; i'll start cooking more when she's back in school in a couple weeks), watching movies, reading, doing crosswords, etc. trying to get some running in when it's not too godawful hot.

hoping to get an HIO date at 1919 in august, and want to plan a recording sesh with jeff liles in the near future. playing at lola's the other night was different from the last couple of times, which were relatively quiet. this time, we were louder than fuck, creating a feedback symphony that augie rodriguez, at least, liked real much. hickey's mom, too. terry forgot the violin bow and the recording equipment malfunctioned, but big marcus is getting into using feedback more and was able to play trombone again after recovering from his dog bite. terry was processing my signal, treating some stuff in real time and sampling/looping other stuff.

ramsey sprague (aka "the shortest distance") opened with a set of social responsibility-focused singer-songwriter stuff and brought a few people out. the underground railroad played 50 minutes, including lots of new material. kurt looks like lex luthor with his head shaved, and their lead singer "the kid" was playing his last gig prior to moving to california. he wore a necktie with a t-shirt and had aluminum foil around his forearms and legs. i couldn't watch him. terry and hickey went for wendy's.

it takes me longer to recover from alcohol consumption/sleep deprivation than it used to, so we elected to forego james hall at the kessler theater in favor of to sir, with love on our new second-hand tv (courtesy of my middle daughter and her husband). wanted to do a kurosawa fest the next day before i had to work, but it appears that my son-in-law borrowed some dvd's, so i'll have to see about getting those back. absent rashomon and the seven samurai, we opted for the commitments. i feel like i'm turning into matt hickey.

the cavalcade of slack will continue until my sweetie goes back to work on the 23rd.


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