Friday, January 08, 2010

1.8.2010, ftw

listening to jeff arsenault's recording of the li'l stoogeband at lola's stockyards. it's an hour long, so the first half hour or so of our set goes missing, but what he caught sounds pretty awesome, if i do say so myself. i fucked up that night and left my amp on the 20% power setting from the 10.17 HIO recording sesh, so i had to crank it to pain threshold volume to be able to hear myself onstage and was still deaf a good part of the next morning. you can tell there are moments when teague can't hear me at all, but somehow we hold it together. a big treat for me is getting to hear ray and richard, whom i can almost never hear onstage. jeff offered to get together to tweak the mix, and i might see if any of the other stoogeaphiles wanna take him up on that once they hear it.


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