Sunday, November 30, 2008

next weekend @ lola's

the incandescent stumptone returneth to lola's next friday, december 5th. then on sunday, december 7th, there'll be a big benefit for cadillac fraf (suggested donation: $5) with the following lineup:

10:00 Rivercrest Yacht Club
9:00 Addnerim
8:00 The Great Tyrant
7:00 Carey Wolff
6:00 Clint Niosi
5:00 Stoogeaphilia
(The Magic of Ash Adams will perform during Stoogeaphilia's setup)
4:00 Eaton Lake Tonics
3:00 Merkin
2:00 Blackland River Devils

Dre will screen performance footage of Fraf during set changes.


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