since hembree distributed the pfffft! recordings to the band boys, i've listened to little else, but we got together last night with the stoogeband in preparation for fredfest. ran through the set plus a coupla extra toons (in case we get to play longer than our scheduled 45-minute slot) and three hours were gone before you could say "shee-it fahhhr!" got to meet robert who played bass in pee-pee, 3 men and a baby jesus, and guy 2000, and i'm hoping to pick his brain for the history i'm writing of the haltom city/riverside crew. teague commented favorably on the sound of my son-in-law's tele, so i think i'm gonna start using it for stoogegigs as well as pfffft! outings -- it's got a gnarly, nasty, in-your-face bark, without some of the subtleties of the strat, but who needs subtlety? just have to make sure to leave the wah off for the intro to "1970" (which we haven't played, seemingly, since 1970). forgot how physically draining it is playing stooge music -- but in a good way. by the time we quit for the night, evabody was pretty much spent. the way it should be.
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