Monday, December 17, 2007

"the rest is noise" and a real good night at hpb

my sister-in-law in seattle, who reads this, sent my sweetie 'n' me a christmas package, and being the kind of kids we are, we opened it immediately. (thanks, cari and mike!!!) she must have intuited that i need to get smarter about 20th century classical music, what with our attendance at the fw symphony's mahler festival and my excitement about the presence of herb levy's other arts here in the fort, because she sent me a copy of the rest is noise, a critical history of 20th century music from wagner to stockhausen by new yorker music scribe alex north. dude's not only an engaging writer, he even has a blog with links to sound samples that illustrate what he's writing about, which will hopefully make me feel like less of an idjit the next time i have a convo with herb.

she also sent me a gift card from half price books, which gave me a reason to go dig through the stacks of vinyl at the ridgmar store while my sweetie was taking care of some other biz. they must stockpile some good stuff for the holidays, because i was able to spend what she sent and a little bit more in about 10 minutes (in between shooting the shit with a nice cat named darren white who freelances for the star-t and sez he might wanna write about the stoogeband sometime). found a copy of tom waits' closing time, which my sweetie (a big waits fan) had never owned before; the u.s. version of the first clash alb, which i was thinking about as i spun the u.k. version this morning (possibly because i heard the 'meercun version first, i believe that it was only improved by the substitution of four u.k. singles for songs that were on the 'riginal elpee); put back a copy of husker du's warehouse: songs and stories when i found the replacements' let it be; did the same with a neville brothers anthology when i found sly & the family stone's greatest hits; and a u.s. copy of radio birdman's radios appear to go with the saints' (i'm) stranded that i found at hulen street a few weeks back. all in all, 'twas a real good night. all thanks to my sweetie's li'l sis.

ADDENDUM: the sly skips. damn! and the '77 clash songs definitely sound like they were remastered for the '79 u.s. release; the bass and drums on the 'meercun version are just more _present_ somehow.


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