Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the deviants

listening once again to the deviants, lit brit expat mick farren's anarchic '60s hipi band that kinda paralleled the mc5/stooges' trajectory before (d)evolving into the pink fairies at the cusp of the '70s, only to return from oblivion in the mid-'90s. while on one level the early stuff sounds like generic late '60s brit psych (think of the pretty things after they stopped playing arranbee, minus, how you say, instrumental fluency), on another, i'm struck by how much the stuff i play with impulse of will (or as my mother would say, "_the_ impulse of will") when the proceedings are at their most chaotic is influenced by deviants gtrists sid bishop ('60s model, when it ain't happenin') and andy colquhon ('90s, when it is) -- as much as it is by ron asheton and eddie hazel, in fact. my sweetie agrees that the best farren rekkid remains the deathray tapes, on which he doesn't sing but rather declaims like an evil jeremy irons (as my oldest dtr once said). so there.


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