Monday, November 27, 2006

pam pride

...(who once owned and operated fort worth's only lesbian jazz bar) has taken over the kitchen at pop's safari room, strategically located between the black dog and fonky fred's at 2929 morton. now i just need to fabricate an "occasion" to take my sweetie there to sample pam's legendary chow. when we ran into her at fred's, pam mentioned there's an event planner who wants to throw a street fair in the area delineated by fred's, pop's, the black dog, 7th haven, la familia, and that yuppie dump on foch street, the name of which escapes me, "that would kick austin's ass." sounds like an idea with some potential. when? "next october," sez pam, "when you don't have to worry about wind and rainstorms." well, duh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wild West, 2007

2:58 PM  

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