Tuesday, September 12, 2006

r.i.p. johnny heff

i deliberately avoided as much of the 9/11 anniversary news coverage as i could. too much politics, too much bullshit, too much tragedy to wrap one's mind around, esp. with stuff happening locally / recently here in the fort like the road rage killing of the brother of one of my dtr's friends, the shooting of a 15-yr-old high school student by a fort worth cop, serial rapists 'n' robbers, etc. but i was reminded of a cat i hadn't thought about in a long time: johnny heffernan a.k.a. johnny heff, a dyed-in-the-wool noo yawk punk rocker who first played cbgb's as a teenager way back in 1981. since '97, he'd led a punk band called the bullys, but like most musos i know, he also had a dayjob -- in his case, as a new york city firefighter. heff died in the collapse of the world trade center on september 11th, 2001. punk magazine honcho john holmstrom memorializes him here. go easy, bro.


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