lady pearl's red shirt
i have a red shirt that i got from lady pearl
the last time i saw her
"the band is wearing red and black," she said
but i only had a green shirt
so the guy i usedta sub for in her band and i
tore ass over to her house
and grabbed two shirts off her closet door
scaring the bejeezus out of her grandchildren
i got the flannel one
i took it on the road with nathan brown
and thanked her for giving us a good show
every time i wore it
the thing is, this one weekend
i was too busy writing to go sit in and play
but i figured it was no big deal --
there'd be other times, i thought
but there weren't
she complained her leg hurt
when she spoke to her brother on the phone after the gig
and by the next morning, she was gone -- heart attack
it's always a mistake
to take people and things you love for granted
and you're always best advised
to treat each parting as though it'll be your last
the last time i saw her
"the band is wearing red and black," she said
but i only had a green shirt
so the guy i usedta sub for in her band and i
tore ass over to her house
and grabbed two shirts off her closet door
scaring the bejeezus out of her grandchildren
i got the flannel one
i took it on the road with nathan brown
and thanked her for giving us a good show
every time i wore it
the thing is, this one weekend
i was too busy writing to go sit in and play
but i figured it was no big deal --
there'd be other times, i thought
but there weren't
she complained her leg hurt
when she spoke to her brother on the phone after the gig
and by the next morning, she was gone -- heart attack
it's always a mistake
to take people and things you love for granted
and you're always best advised
to treat each parting as though it'll be your last
man, i know i've read more than a couple of yr spiels that have had that "appreciate the people and things you love while can cause you never know..." theme to them and i can't remind myself enough to take that to heart.
i 'specially need to heed that creed when i'm getting too warped and wrapped up in my own internal craziness that i discard all the good shit i got going on right in front of my stupid face. thanks for the mental kick in the ass ken - i needed it much!
just throw a buck in the tip jar on yr way out
*ka-ching* (the sound of a $ in change. thanks.)
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