Friday, October 14, 2005


so scott copeland, the fort's fave ex-sooner football jock turned singer-songwriter, has a song ("lighthouse keeper") on the new cross canadian ragweed alb. when ccr (sorry, mr. fogerty) played to a record-breaking crowd at billy bob's, scott got to sit onstage, from whence he could count the 9000-odd heads and estimate his share at 7 cents a hit, since admission was free but cd purchase was compulsory to see the show. good onya, big noggin. maybe this means he'll finally get to release the cd that was originally supposed to be out this time last year and we'll be able to hear what we call "the tornado song" (scott's rawkin' take on the "voodoo chile" i'm-a-badass riff) in the privacy of our own home.

came home from seeing scott and his berklee-edjumikated gtrist john zaskoda (who's opening a music store where white settlement rd. intersects roberts cutoff that'll offer gtr lessons for a reasonable $65 a month) to chow down on a roast chicken with the world's greatest seasoning -- that's sea salt, black pepper, ginger, and garlic -- that makes everything taste good (steaks, salmon, roast pork) but is particularly good with a whole chicken that's also been soaked in lemon juice (with the squeezed-out halves inserted in the body cavity to keep things moist). we ripped into it with bare hands, savoring the crispy-sweet-salty skin and tender meat. dug it so much we might have another one tonight, before stepping out to the little wreck room to hear darrin kobetich at happy hour, followed by the groovin' trifecta of the brokers, confusatron, and (climactically) pablo and the hemphill 7. ooh yeah.

drifted off to sleep last night after multiple listens to my current fave song o' the moment, "this house is empty now" from the elvis costello / burt bacharach painted from memory disc. you gotta respect a writer who can use tiny-but-significant details to paint a picture so evocative that it can make you recall memories you don't really have. and my gawd...did he _really_ just sing, "does the extinguished candle care about the darkness?!?!?" or, "meanwhile all our friends must choose / who they will favour, who they will lose?!?!?" the only thing comparable in my experience is a toon off a lou reed alb from a coupla yrs back where the singer creates a whole imagined past and then obliterates it. powerful stuff. i'm gonna have to start listening to lyrics more. or sooner.


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